Darlings! It's time for a DRINK, wouldn't you say?

The Old Ascot Bar, Ritz Hotel, Milan

And the Ritz Hotel in Milan is just the place to meet for it, yes? See you there! We'll save you a seat. Tonight will be the gayest night of television for the foreseeable future as we get Glee at 8 (with Gwyneth Paltrow, which suddenly makes it less gay), and then of course the campfest to end all campfests, The Fashion Show! Put on your rainbow panties and shake it like you're on a Pride float, y'all!

And we all knew it would happen sooner or later:
Iman skinned one of the designers alive. We bet you it was Calvin.

Episode 2 Preview:

"Now go and create something that will make my heart skip a beat, OR I WILL KILL YOU."

Weird challenge, though. Plenty of opportunities for WTFery on the runway.

[Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman via BravoTV.com, starhotels.com - Video Credit: BravoTV.com]

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