He is an artist, a tattoo artist which I admire after I have a talk with him personally! OMG! I can't believe I actually interview him. All thanks to my co-worker who brought me to him.

Bobby St James

He has been in this career for the past 10 years. Nowadays, not many of us can work in the same environment or job scope for 10 years, unless it's a high pay job or you are money orientated, please I have no offense here, I agreed the quote "Money is not everything but without it you will be suffer (for the current society)". Like what we always said we must be grateful with what we have not just how much money we can earn.

Passion is everything, without passion you won't be performing. I always believe that and it is the same for Bobby St. James. He have this interest in drawing and one day he saw his brother got tattoo and from the day on the started this body art on his own body….ehm of course not on the first day he saw his brother's tattoo la…and then he started to do it for his friend (those volunteer guinea pigs) :p, I am just kidding :D

The art work he did is really impressive – free hand tattoo. Not much of tattoo artist can do that, I believe so. Tattoo is something permanent on your body, of course we can remove it with laser but it will still leave a mark there so when someone can do a free hand tattoo, he /she must be a natural talent artist.

his art work!


I am so curious how Bobby St. James starts his career as a professional tattoo artist and curious that will it be some kind of "apprentice" in this profession. According to him, it is hard to start this career and even though you are an apprentice of a tattoo artist, at the end of the day it is all depend on the person attitude and talent to become a real professional tattoo artist. Each tattoo artist will have their own style and expert as well.

I asked him if him able to provide suggestion for those first timers to get a tattoo, he said that it's always a principle for a tattoo artist to NOT provide any suggestion to a person who wanted to get a tattoo as the body is belong to them and tattoo artist don't want them to regret what they have done.

So gurls, please do not ask you tattoo artist for suggestion!!! If you kena scold, do not blame them too ooo.

He can only suggest what not to put on your body is your BF/GF, life partner name on your body. Ehm…totally agreed with his suggestion. Well, Angelina Jolie removed one of the tattoos she got it for his ex, right?
You know what….Bobby St. James is going to New Zealand for a tattoo conference!!! Cool….I asked him to take photo gao gao to show his fans.

Gurls…I think he is so man when he is serious doing his art work!

biarpun semasa dia sketching!!! MAN oooo

Same like us manicurist, we all like to snap a shoot of our work…but he own a DSLR!

KK's Ink?!

Please check out Bobby St. James FB page for his art work.

A surprise….I get myself a tattoo!!!

