Starbucks X'mas Drink again.

I am awake early yesterday morning, 6pm! Yes, the sunrise time is 6pm here, an hour ealier than West Malaysia.

Woke up, browse net, get my Lil Man wake up. Had breakfast with him in the bedroom. The prepare and head to work!

Before I get out from my house called my co-worker to ask if they are having breakfast. They had it already at kopitiam No. 10 at Lintas which is famous for their bun bun! they ask if they can get me anything, obviously BUN.

Nope, I just had roti at home!

Then when on the way, *bucks X'mas Drink on my mind so drove straight down to the KK city to get a cup of Peppermint Mocha.

Then I called my co-worker to get me a crossaint from kopitiam no.10. I can get it from *bucks but it's way more expensive than the one selling at kpitiam no.10! Crossait from kopitiam no. 10 is way more yummy and the size is HUGE!

I was thinking to get the deer for my Lil Man but he don't like soft toy anymore. the deer!

My X'mas wish for this year, My Man can come back from Singapore to celebrate Christmas with us!

and get me a HTC HD7 and a XBox Kinect for my Lil Man!

