I bet that many women eventualy want to start making their own nail art designs but they don’t kwno which nail art they should start with. That is why we have decided to teach you more about this.

First off, before you choose one nail art for beginners you must know few basics that are same for all nail arts. You will need basecoat and topcoat for all arts and for all designs. You will also need different tools and more then one bottle of polish. This is all that is same for all different nail art for beginners.
And now, onto different types. Probably easiest nail art for beginners is acrylic nail art. With acrylic nail art you will amke really amazing designs and they are probably easier to make. Reason for this is that acrylic paint is better for making designs then rest of them, it’s more dense and can be applied slightly easier then the rest because it stays exactly where you apply it to.
Second quite easy nail art for beginners are gel nail designs. Gel polish is somewhere between of acrylic and normal nail polish. It lasts almost as long as arcylic paint but the type of paint is closer to naormal nail polish. Gel nail polish is slightly more fluent then acrylic paint but still more compact then nail polish.
And last nail art for beginners are different designs made from normal nail polish colors. For this type of nail art you don’t need any special bottle of polish like the rest need but the designs are hardest to make.

Now it is up to you which nail art you start with. All we can do is advice you to learn with acrylic art first because it is easiest to learn and make.

First off, before you choose one nail art for beginners you must know few basics that are same for all nail arts. You will need basecoat and topcoat for all arts and for all designs. You will also need different tools and more then one bottle of polish. This is all that is same for all different nail art for beginners.
And now, onto different types. Probably easiest nail art for beginners is acrylic nail art. With acrylic nail art you will amke really amazing designs and they are probably easier to make. Reason for this is that acrylic paint is better for making designs then rest of them, it’s more dense and can be applied slightly easier then the rest because it stays exactly where you apply it to.
Second quite easy nail art for beginners are gel nail designs. Gel polish is somewhere between of acrylic and normal nail polish. It lasts almost as long as arcylic paint but the type of paint is closer to naormal nail polish. Gel nail polish is slightly more fluent then acrylic paint but still more compact then nail polish.
And last nail art for beginners are different designs made from normal nail polish colors. For this type of nail art you don’t need any special bottle of polish like the rest need but the designs are hardest to make.

Now it is up to you which nail art you start with. All we can do is advice you to learn with acrylic art first because it is easiest to learn and make.