Interesting Facts about Food Chains

Interesting Facts about Food Chains



These interconnected food chains form a food web.

These interconnected food chains form a food web.

Food chains in different habitats: Desert | Coniferous Forest | Deciduous

Food chains in different habitats: Desert | Coniferous Forest | Deciduous

The feeding relationships are usually woven into elaborate food webs within

The feeding relationships are usually woven into elaborate food webs within

Marine Food Web Diagram Use the Marine Food Pyramid to create 2 food chains.

Marine Food Web Diagram Use the Marine Food Pyramid to create 2 food chains.

Produce food web

Produce food web

Tundra food Web diagram ►If a plant or other organism makes its own food,

Tundra food Web diagram ►If a plant or other organism makes its own food,

Figure 1. A coastal food web in Alaska based on primary production by

Figure 1. A coastal food web in Alaska based on primary production by

 can become more and more concentrated at each step in the food chain.

can become more and more concentrated at each step in the food chain.

This is an example of a food web. This is an example of a food chain

This is an example of a food web. This is an example of a food chain

food chain and food web

food chain and food web

Food Webs. foodweb. Very few animals have a diet that is restricted to only

Food Webs. foodweb. Very few animals have a diet that is restricted to only

These food-chains link together to form a food-web.

These food-chains link together to form a food-web.

A food chain represents the transfer of body-building substances

A food chain represents the transfer of body-building substances

A food web is made up off a number of food chains which interlink throughout

A food web is made up off a number of food chains which interlink throughout

Food Web: multiple and shifting interaction among organisms,

Food Web: multiple and shifting interaction among organisms,

food web: marine food web and food chain. See Actual Size See Full Size

food web: marine food web and food chain. See Actual Size See Full Size

Invertebrate Chain

Invertebrate Chain

