2011 leo horoscopes..horoscopes for leo2011..leo love-money-work-horoscopes
The events will connect themselves in a natural way for you, this year. The planetary aspects which reign in your sector make easy the relational wheels of your life, as well as fruitfulness of ideas essential to the good walk of your projects.
Only Saturn throws a shade of deep realism which can give you moments gloomy persons of regrets d' a last unconcern. But beyond this phenomenon, you will have several occasions to delight you by the positive effects of your reinforced realism: it helps you to ensure your backs with effectiveness.

WORK:     The impulses of Neptune will develop your imagination and your originality of an innovative dash, which will play in all the fields of your life, in particular sentimental.

Even if you were recluse in a closed system, you will not be able to circumvent any more the idea which consists in realizing that you have talents which once mobilized, would bring success to you, and several satisfactions. Certain people of your entourage count on you to ensure continuity in the change… If you were in unstable position, you will be likely all to sit your situation during the first two months of the year 2011. You must count on your own initiatives all along the year, it is the moment to tie contacts, to develop your activity in direction of the innovation.

The sequence of your emotional life goes this year, with the wire of weeks and months to come, to evolve to an enthralling environment. In fact, the Jupiter impulses go at the beginning it year, to encourage you to deploy effects of seduction which will not leave anybody indifferent. The language of the heart is impossible to circumvent, you feel it quite naturally. To like yes, but without putting of powder at the eyes, here what becomes finally possible, this year. More freedom expression in the direction of a greater genuineness will characterize your unconscious attitude and will attract you more peace in your emotional life. You take the risk to displease and that carries you chance! You will learn some longer on you even by identifying you more closely with your major values, those in what you believe basically; and others return it to you to identical. Your relations slacken, leave more place to the exchanges; ideas, with in-depth dialogues. This is the ideal period to enter fully to the meeting of Other, whatever your situation. Your patience will be rewarded of impulsive emotional dashes.

Your accounts will follow a comparatively harmonious course, this year. There is no Russian mountain in sight, and this calm leaves you the latitude compulsory to advance your projects related to the money. This is said; it is Money, and in your case that will be confirmed, this year, in the direction or this is by concentrating you on your long-term strategies which you will put the best chances of your with dimensions… And that you will avoid money worries for November. The planetary impulses push you more easily to employ your money in a constructive direction, or the direction of saving. To prepare the ground for your projects in winter 2011 should ideally be your greater priority, it would be for you the best manner of making profitable the Saturn impulses which reign in your sector during this time.

The Saturn opposition to Neptune is direct, this year. This will cause little not founded fears or, a propensity to insulation or in the opposite direction, to mingle you with imports which to flee loneliness. Indeed, an insatiate require for recognition goes back to surface, and pushes you with sometimes excessive attitudes, sometimes too sober, too in withdrawal. Fleeing reality is not used for nothing, to remain there too much locked up is not good either. With you to seek a point of balance which enables you to live such as you hear. All that relates to the specializations and studies, are favoured in autumn, which would enable you to effectively drive out this feeling of lack of confidence in your own capacities.

The influences of Neptune in your opposite sign this year will give their full measurement. You will feel that taking care of you passes above all by the satisfaction of your desires. And you will be right! Temptation will be large to go towards excesses to mitigate old frustrations, which would be the cause initially of liver disorders. Manage your consumption concerning certain types of fat contents to avoid this tendency. The impulses of Mars combined with those of Saturn in sextile to your sign confer to you an excellent muscular vitality throughout the year, in particular if you must prepare a competition, or simply to accelerate the rate of your life.
2011 leo horoscopes..horoscopes for leo2011..leo love-money-work-horoscopes